INF: Mixed-Language Considerations for Pascal 4.0 and C

ID Number: Q66458

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 5.10 6.00 6.00a



To link objects created with Microsoft Pascal version 4.0 and

Microsoft C version 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, or 6.0ax into the same executable,

certain objects must be removed from the standard Pascal library.


If these objects are not removed, the linker error "L2025: symbol

defined more than once" will occur on several symbols:

libpase.lib(nmalloc.asm) : error L2025: __nfree :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(nmalloc.asm) : error L2025: __nmalloc :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(amalloc.asm) : error L2025: __amblksiz :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __aexit_rtn :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __acmdln :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __asizds :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __astart :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __atopsp :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __acfinfo :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __aenvseg :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __cintDIV :

symbol defined more than once

libpase.lib(os2\crt0.asm) : error L2025: __amsg_exit :

symbol defined more than once


The following LIB command removes the proper objects from the

Pascal library. LIB will create a backup of the original library

called LIBPASE.BAK. Keep this backup copy for straight Pascal


lib libpase -crt0 -nmalloc -fmalloc -amalloc -pnmsize;

When linking, the /NOD and /NOE switches must be used on the link

command line, and the C libraries must be listed before the Pascal

library, for example:

link /NOD /NOE c.obj pascal.obj,test.exe,,mlibce libpase;

More Information:

This procedure described above is necessary because the newer

libraries that ship with C use different startup and memory handling

routines. Because the routines in the Pascal libraries don't work

correctly with the C libraries, the objects must be removed. Remember

when building your application to compile the C code with /AM, /AL, or

/AH option, because the Pascal code will require far function calls.

Additional reference words: 4.00 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax