INF: Mapping Table Between NET8xx and SYS00xx Errors

ID Number: Q78600

1.x 2.00 2.10



The MS-DOS LAN Manager redirector indirectly issues NET8xx messages in

some scenarios. There is no help for these messages in the NET HELPMSG

output. Below is a list of the mappings between these NET8xx messages

and the operating system SYS00xx messages, sorted by NET8xx message

number. For more information on the NET8xx messages, look up the

relevant SYS00xx message number in the following table and use the NET

HELPMSG command with that error.

Note: As of LAN Manager version 2.1, NET HELPMSG NET8xx displays

information on the message (the help is based on the appropriate

SYS00xx message number from the table below).

NET8xx SYS00xx

Number NET8xx Description Number

------ ------------------ -------

NET801 Remote computer not listening SYS0051

NET802 Duplicate name on network SYS0052

NET803 Network path not found SYS0053

NET804 Network busy SYS0054

NET805 Network device no longer exists SYS0055

NET806 NetBIOS command limit exceeded SYS0056

NET807 Network adapter hardware error SYS0057

NET808 Incorrect response from network SYS0058

NET809 Network request not supported SYS0050

NET810 Unexpected network error SYS0059

NET811 Incompatible remote adapter SYS0060

NET812 Print queue full SYS0061

NET813 Not enough print space for file SYS0062

NET814 Print file was canceled SYS0063

NET815 Network name was deleted SYS0064

NET817 Network device type incorrect SYS0066

NET818 Network name not found SYS0067

NET819 Network name limit exceeded SYS0068

NET820 NetBIOS session limit exceeded SYS0069

NET821 Sharing temporarily paused SYS0070

NET822 Print or disk redirection is paused SYS0072

NET823 Network request not accepted SYS0071

NET825 Network data fault SYS0088