INF: An Overview of the Netlogon Service and How It Works

ID Number: Q78209




The following is a brief overview of the Netlogon service.

More Information:

The Netlogon service is executed to replicate the user accounts system

(UAS) database between a primary domain controller (PDC), a backup

domain controller (BDC), and member servers, and to validate logons to

the logical domain the servers are in. Changes to the UAS are allowed

only from the primary domain controller once the Netlogon service is

started. Any attempt to modify the UAS on a backup domain controller

or member server will result in an error stating that the UAS has been

replicated and cannot be modified.

When Netlogon is started on a BDC or a member server, a request will

be made to do a full update of the UAS from the PDC. This can be

avoided by using the /update:no parameter at Netlogon start-up time.

Other switches include:

/PULSE (60-3600) seconds Defaults: 300

/RANDOMIZE (5-120) seconds Defaults: 30

/SCRIPTS Path of Netlogon Share

BDCs and member servers look at the UPDATE parameter and SCRIPTS

path, but PDCs ignore an /UPDATE switch.

After the PDC has been started successfully, it will maintain a list

of changes that have been made to the UAS in an internal list. At

/PULSE time, the PDC will issue a PULSE onto the network in the form

of a second class mailslot. This message will notify BDCs and members

that changes have been made to the UAS. This is a second class

mailslot; therefore, a BDC or member server may miss this call since

its delivery is not guaranteed.

When a BDC or member server receives this message, it will request

changes from the PDC. BDCs and members use the /RANDOMIZE parameter to

determine how long they should wait before requesting updates from the

PDC. This prevents the PDC from receiving a flood of update requests

from all the replicated systems. If a BDC or member has missed a large

number of these changes, it may request a complete copy of the UAS

from the PDC. This will ensure that the replicating server has all the

changes that have been made. BDCs and members never poll the PDC for

updates -- they always wait for update notices from the PDC.

Note: Members and backups assume the PDC has crashed if they do not

receive a pulse from the PDC within one minute of the time they expect

a pulse. If this failure is confirmed, a message is posted in the

error log reporting the PDC crash. After 60 minutes, the service will

clear a flag and treat the next pulse as a new failure.