Error in Macro Example in MASM 5.10 Update Manual

ID Number: Q49245





The macro example on Page Update-23 in the "Microsoft Macro Assembler

5.1: Updates and Microsoft Editor" has an error in it. The macro in

the example is called RESTREGS.

The current example reads as follows:

The INSTR directive returns the position of a string within

another string.

restregs MACRO

numloc instr regpushed,"#"





The second line should read as follows:

numloc instr regpushed,<#>

This example does not work correctly on MASM Version 5.10 but does

work on MASM Version 5.10a. This is due to a problem with the SUBSTR

directive in MASM 5.10 with regard to assigning a string a substring

of itself.