Using Offset with a Group of Data Segments

ID Number: Q49246




When using the OFFSET directive to refer to a variable defined in a

segment that is part of a group, the offset generated is from the

beginning of the segment instead of the beginning of the group. The

group is defined properly and DS is assumed to be pointing to the


This problem occurs in Microsoft Macro Assembler Version 5.10a and in

QuickAssembler Version 2.00.

The following example demonstrates this problem:

dgroup group data1,data2

assume cs:code,ds:dgroup

data1 segment para public 'data'

var1 dw 0

dw 0

data1 ends

data2 segment para public 'data'

var2 dw 0

data2 ends

code segment 'code'

start: mov bx,offset var1

mov bx,offset var2 <--incorrect

mov bx,offset dgroup:var2 <--works all cases

lea bx,var2 <--also works

code ends

end start

More Information:

When the segment align type is PARA or PAGE, the above code will be

incorrect. The offset directive generates an offset relative to the

beginning of the segment instead of the beginning of the group. When

the segment align type is BYTE,WORD or DWORD, the correct offset from

the group beginning is generated.

Please note the following:

1. By default the Assembler uses PARA align.

2. When a segment override is used in the OFFSET expression (as in the

above example), the correct offset is then generated.

3. The LEA instruction also generates the correct offset.