INF: Modifying BCP Format File to Load into Specific Columns

ID Number: Q52201

1.10 1.11 4.20



The BCP format file can be modified to skip over data in the BCP

input data file and be loaded into specific columns of a table. The

fifth column of the BCP format file identifies which column (first,

second, third, etc.) of a table the corresponding field of the input

data file is loaded into. The values of the column identifiers can be

changed to redirect the load of the input data file.

For example, when a 0 (zero) is placed in the fifth column value in

the .FMT file, BCP does not insert that data field (defined by the

number in the first column in the .FMT file) into the table. This

fact can be used to load either a data file with fewer or more data

fields than the number of columns in a table. If more columns are in

the database table than are in the input data file, the columns not

being loaded with data must be defined to accept null values.

Listed below are "before" and "after" examples of a BCP format file

that was modified to load the fifth, sixth, and seventh field

positions of a 10-field input file into the first, second, and

third columns of a table.



All input file fields are loaded into all table columns.



1 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 1 C1

2 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 2 C2

3 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 3 C3

4 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 4 C4

5 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 5 C5

6 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 6 C6

7 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 7 C7

8 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 8 C8

9 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 9 C9

10 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 10 C10



The fifth, sixth, and seventh field positions of the input file are

loaded in the first, second, and third columns of a table. Please note

that nonzeroed columns of the table are not required to be in any

specific order. Other possible combinations are: 132, 231, 213, 312,

and 321.

This "after" format file can be used to load a table with 10 columns

with the columns not receiving data defined to allow nulls, or used to

load a table with three columns.



1 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C1

2 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C2

3 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C3

4 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C4

5 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 1 C5

6 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 2 C6

7 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 3 C7

8 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C8

9 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C9

10 SYBCHAR1 512 "" 0 C10

Additional reference words: BCP