INF: Object Modules in the Microsoft C 6.0 LIB Directory

ID Number: Q82284

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a



The following is a description of object modules in the Microsoft C

6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax LIB directories:

Object Module Purpose

------------- -------

APILMR.OBJ: If this is linked in, it will set up a 64K DGROUP when

using BIND for dual (MS-DOS, OS/2) mode execution. More

information can be found in the online help by querying

on BIND, selecting BIND Command-Line Syntax, and

choosing Specifying APILMR.OBJ.

BINMODE.OBJ: Used to change the default file-open mode from TEXT to

BINARY. More information can be found in the online

help by querying on fopen() or open().

CRTDLL.OBJ: Startup code for DLLs using a C run-time OS/2 DLL.

CRTDLL_I.OBJ: Optional initialization code for OS/2 DLLs using a C

run-time DLL built with CDLLOBJS.LIB. It does not

have any start or end procedures. See page 395 of

"Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" for more


CRTEXE.OBJ: Startup code for executable files calling a C

run-time OS/2 DLL.

CRTLIB.OBJ: Startup code for C run-time OS/2 DLL.

DLLINIT.OBJ: Stub modules for customizing an OS/2 DLL initialization

DLLTERM.OBJ: and termination code. They basically call two




EXTHDR.OBJ: Object module for building a PWB extensions - MS-DOS


EXTHDRP.OBJ: Object module for building a PWB extensions - OS/2


EXTHDRPD.OBJ: Object module for building a PWB extensions with the C

run-time in a DLL - OS/2 mode. See chapter 8 of the

"Microsoft C Advanced Programming Techniques" book and

the online help for PWB for more information.

FILEINFO.OBJ: Used to modify the default value of _fileinfo. The

_fileinfo variable determines whether or not a

process's open file information will be passed to child

processes. Query on FILEINFO.OBJ in the online help for

C 6.0 for more information.

RMFIXUP.OBJ: When using the /FPi (emulator) library, software

interrupts will be generated in the code to library

code. The library code, in turn, will do the fixups to

use either the emulator or the coprocessor depending on

whether a coprocessor is available. These fixups can be

removed by linking in RMFIXUP.OBJ, which then requires

that a floating-point math-coprocessor to be present to


SETARGV.OBJ: Contains a more powerful version of the function

_setargv(), which can handle MS-DOS wildcard arguments

such as the expansion of * and ?. More information can

be found by querying on SETARGV.OBJ in the online help.

TXTONLY.OBJ: Reduces the executable size of a program by 8-10K if

that program uses the text-only functions from the

graphics library GRAPHICS.LIB. In the online help for

C 6.0, search on NOGRAPH.OBJ for more information.

NOGRAPH.OBJ should be replaced with TXTONLY.OBJ in the

online help.

VARSTCK.OBJ: Allows an executable file to have a variable-size

stack. Linking in this file allows the near-memory

allocation functions to allocate items in unused stack

space if they run out of other memory. For more

information, query on VARSTCK.OBJ in the online help

for C 6.0.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax