INF: Raster and Stroke Fonts; GDI and Device Fonts

ID Number: Q77126




In Windows version 3.0, there are two different ways that the

graphical device interface (GDI) can generate characters for a font.

For a raster font, GDI displays the font by copying bitmaps to the

output device. For a stroke font, GDI displays the font by drawing

lines between a series of points that describe each character. Each

font is owned by either GDI or by a specific device. Type and

ownership information can be determined by enumerating the fonts. This

article discusses the two font types and two font ownership types.

More Information:

A raster font stores its characters as a series of bitmaps; a stroke

font stores its characters as a set of vector operations that describe

the characters. When a character from a raster font is drawn, the

bitmap is copied onto the device. When a character from a stroke font

is displayed, the lines are drawn connecting the points that describe

the character. Examples of raster fonts provided with Windows are

Courier and Helv; examples of stroke fonts are Script and Roman.

Raster fonts are only available in specific sizes. Some devices can

scale installed raster fonts to integer multiples of their size. Use

the GetDeviceCaps() function to determine whether the device has this

capability. The Windows GDI will scale its raster fonts as required

regardless of the device capability. Stroke fonts can be scaled to any

size and can also be rotated.

GDI fonts are owned by the GDI; they are available to all devices.

Device fonts are fonts that are owned by a particular device; they are

available only on that device.

By enumerating the fonts, an application can determine which ones are

raster or stroke fonts, and which are GDI or device fonts. The

callback function used with EnumFonts() has the parameter nFontType.

As stated on page 4-118 of the "Microsoft Windows Software Development

Kit Reference Volume 1," the bitwise AND (&) operator can be used with

the constants RASTER_FONTTYPE and DEVICE_FONTTYPE to determine the

font type. If the RASTER_FONTTYPE bit is set, the font is a raster

font; otherwise, it is a stroke font. If the DEVICE_FONTTYPE bit is

set, the font is owned by the device that corresponds to the display

context handle (HDC) used in the EnumFont() call; otherwise it is a

GDI font.

Additional reference words: 3.00