ID Number: Q77127
There are no Windows functions that directly rotate bitmaps. All
techniques for rotating bitmaps in Windows involve copying the rows
from a source bitmap into the columns of a destination bitmap. The
following contains code for rotating a bitmap using GetPixel() and
SetPixel(), and contains an outline of code for rotating device
independent bitmaps (DIB).
More Information:
A device dependent bitmap (DDB) can be rotated using the GetPixel()
and SetPixel() functions. To rotate the bitmap, use the following
HBITMAP Rotate90(HDC hDC, HBITMAP hSourceBitmap)
HBITMAP hOldSourceBitmap, hOldDestBitmap, hDestBitmap;
HDC hMemSrc, hMemDest;
int height, width;
int i, j;
BITMAP iSrcBitmap;
// Step 1: Create a memory DC for the source and destination bitmaps
// compatible with the device used.
hMemSrc = CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
hMemDest= CreateCompatibleDC(hDC);
// Step 2: Get the height and width of the source bitmap.
GetObject(hSourceBitmap, sizeof(BITMAP), (LPSTR)&SrcBitmap);
width = SrcBitmap.bmWidth;
height = SrcBitmap.bmHeight;
// Step 3: Select the source bitmap into the source DC. Create a
// destination bitmap, and select it into the destination DC.
hOldSourceBitmap = SelectObject(hMemSrc, hSourceBitmap);
hDestBitmap = CreateBitmap(height, width, SrcBitmap.bmPlanes,
SrcBitmap.bmBitsPixel, NULL);
if (!hDestBitmap)
hOldDestBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDest, hDestBitmap);
// Step 4: Copy the pixels from the source to the destination.
for (i = 0; i < width; ++i)
for (j = 0; j < height; ++j)
SetPixel(hMemDest, j, width - 1 - i,
GetPixel(hMemSrc, i, j));
// Step 5: Destroy the DCs.
SelectObject(hMemSrc, hOldSourceBitmap);
SelectObject(hMemDest, hOldDestBitmap);
// Step 6: Return the rotated bitmap.
If the bitmap is larger, using GetPixel() and SetPixel() may be too
slow. If this is the case, there are two options:
1. If the contents of the bitmap do not change, create two versions of
the bitmap, the normal version and one that is rotated by 90
degrees. Load the appropriate bitmap as required.
2. Find some way to manipulate the bits of the bitmap that is faster
than using SetPixel() and GetPixel(). The best way to do this is to
convert the bitmap to a device independent bitmap. The following
four steps detail how to create the DIB and to perform the
a. Use GetDIBits to convert the bitmap to a device independent
format. It is necessary to create a BITMAPINFO structure
appropriate for the bitmap. This will write the bitmap as a
series of scanlines. Each scanline is padded so that it is DWORD
b. Allocate memory for the destination bitmap. This bitmap requires
as many scanlines as the width of the source bitmap. Each
scanline is as many pixels wide as the height of the source
bitmap. Also, the scanlines must be DWORD aligned.
c. For each scanline in the source bitmap, copy the pixels to the
appropriate column in the destination bitmap. Note: The format
for each scanline depends upon the number of bits per pixel. See
the BITMAPINFO documentation for a description of the possible
d. Use SetDIBits() to copy the device independent bits into a
device dependent bitmap. Another BITMAPINFO structure,
appropriate for the destination device is required for this
The four steps of this method require much more work than is required
if GetPixel() and SetPixel() are used; however, this method may be
faster because it directly manipulates the bits in the bitmap.
Additional reference words: 3.00