INF: C 5.1 Prototypes Differ Between \INCLUDE and \INCLUDE\MT

ID Number: Q58069




Multithreaded programs are linked with LLIBCMT.LIB and include header

files from the \INCLUDE\MT directory. If you link with LLIBCMT, but

include header files from the \INCLUDE directory, you may get the

linker message "L2029, unresolved external" on one or more of the C

run-time routines. You can resolve the problem by including the

multithreaded header files.

More Information:

The linker must resolve external references based on the names written

to the object file. The explicit format of these names is directly

affected by the prototypes you use in your program, and when you

include the header files, you are specifying function prototypes. The

prototypes for some functions are different between the single and

multithreaded header files. For example, atof() is defined in the

double _CDECL atof(const char *);

and in \INCLUDE\MT\STDLIB.H as follows:

double far pascal atof(const char far *);

The keyword _CDECL means to use C language conventions (that is,

preserve case and prepend a leading underscore). The keyword pascal

means to use Pascal language conventions (that is, promote to

uppercase and do not add a leading underscore). When the linker is

looking for _atof, it does not consider ATOF a match.

You can find complete compile and link instructions for multithreaded

programming in MTDYNA.DOC, which is on the C version 5.1 disks.

Additional reference words: 5.10