INF: No Warning If Parameter Redeclared Using the Old Style

ID Number: Q66776

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 | 6.00 6.00a



In situations where the so-called "old-style" or "K&R-type" function

declarations are used, the C compiler will not generate a warning when

formal parameters are declared twice, even if they are redeclared with

different types. This is expected behavior because one of the

declarations is ignored when this type of function declaration is

used. If ANSI-style, prototyped function declarations are used, a

warning will be generated for any redeclarations.

More Information:

The following code sample demonstrates this redeclaration problem:

int func1(x, y)

int x;

long y;

float x; /* x is redeclared here, but no warning is given */


return (int)(x + y);


Even when this code is compiled at warning level 4 (/W4), the

redeclaration of x does not generate any warnings -- the compiler only

warns that func1() is using an old-style function declarator.

Microsoft is committed to the ANSI standard and no diagnostic-message

changes are planned to accommodate inconsistencies arising from use of

the old declaration style. The ANSI specification, in Section 3.9.5,

page 96, states the following:

The use of function definitions with separate parameter identifier

and declaration lists (not prototype-format parameter type and

identifier declarators) is an obsolescent feature.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00 S_QUICKC