INF: LAN Manager 2.1 Hardware Compatibility List (Part 2)

ID Number: Q79161




Note: The following information is part 1 of a two-part list of

certified hardware for use with LAN Manager version 2.1 and OS/2

version 1.3. For more information, query on the following word:




The following computers, video displays, printers, pointing devices,

keyboards, storage devices, and disk adapters have been certified by

Microsoft for use with Microsoft OS/2 version 1.3. This list was

current at the time it was published. Additional systems may have

been tested subsequent to publication, and device drivers may be

availablefor peripherals not listed below. To obtain information

regardingeither instance, please refer to the README.TXT file in

the \OS2\SUPPORT directory; or check the newest listings on OnLine,

CompuServe, or; or call Microsoft Product Support

Services at (206) 637-7095.

Printers and Plotters


(Any printer 100-percent compatible with those listed below.)

9400PS: Agfa-Compugraphic 9400PS v49_3

Dataproducts LZR 1260: Dataproducts LZR 1260 v47_0

Dataproducts LZR 2665: Dataproducts LZR-2665

Epson 24 pins - 136 columns printer: 24-pin 136 Col

Epson 24 pins - 136 columns printer: LQ-1050

Epson 24 pins - 80 columns printer: 24-pin 80 Col

Epson 24 pins - 80 columns printer: LQ-850

Epson 9 pins - 136 columns printer: 9-pin 136 Col

Epson 9 pins - 80 columns printer: 9-pin 80 Col

Epson color 24 pins - 136 columns printer: LQ-2500

Epson Economy 24 pins - 80 columns printer: LQ-500

Epson Economy 24 pins - 80 columns printer: LQ-510

Epson FX Series 9 pins - 136 columns printer: FX-1050

Epson FX Series 9 pins - 136 columns printer: FX-286e

Epson FX Series 9 pins - 80 columns printer: FX-850

Epson LX Series 9 pins - 80 columns printer: LX-800

Epson LX Series 9 pins - 80 columns printer: LX-810

First Epson 9 pins - 80 columns color printer: JX-80

Generic: Generic PostScript Printer

High Performance Epson 9 pins - 136 columns printer: DFX-5000

High Performance Epson color 9 pins - 136 columns printer: EX-1000

High Performance Epson color 9 pins - 80 columns printer: EX-800

High Resolution Epson 24 pins - 110 columns printer: LQ-950 (N9)

High Resolution Epson 24 pins - 136 columns printer: LQ-1050 (N9)

High Resolution Epson 24 pins - 80 columns printer LQ-850 (N9)

High Resolution Epson color 24 pins - 136 columns printer: LQ-2550

HP 7470A Plotter: HP7470A

HP 7475A Plotter: HP7475A

HP 7550A Plotter: HP7550A

HP 7580A Plotter: HP7580A

HP 7580B Plotter: HP7580B

HP 7585A Plotter: HP7585A

HP 7585B Plotter: HP7585B

HP 7586B Plotter: HP7586B

HP ColorPro: HP7440A

HP DraftMaster I: HP7595A

HP DraftMaster II: HP7596A

HP DraftPro: HP7570A

HP LaserJet 2000: HP LaserJet 2000

HP LaserJet 500 Plus: HP LaserJet 500 Plus

HP LaserJet Classic: HP LaserJet Classic

HP LaserJet IID: HP LaserJet IID

HP LaserJet IIP: HP LaserJet IIP

HP LaserJet Plus: HP LaserJet Plus

HP LaserJet Series II: HP LaserJet Series II

IBM 3816 - 01D

IBM 3816 - 01S

IBM 3852 Jetprinter 2

IBM 4019 LaserPrinter

IBM 4201 Proprinter

IBM 4201 Proprinter II

IBM 4201 Proprinter III

IBM 4202 Proprinter II XL

IBM 4202 Proprinter III XL

IBM 4202 Proprinter XL

IBM 4207 Proprinter X24

IBM 4207 Proprinter X24E

IBM 4208 Proprinter XL24

IBM 4208 Proprinter XL24E

IBM 4224 - 01, 02, E3

IBM 4224 - C2

IBM 5152 Graphics Printer

IBM 5182 Color Printer

IBM 5201 QuietWriter I

IBM 5201 QuietWriter II

IBM 5202 QuietWriter III

IBM 5204 QuickWriter

IBM 5216 Wheelprinter

IBM 6180 Plotter: IBM6180

IBM 6182 Plotter: IBM6182

IBM 6184 Plotter: IBM6184

IBM 6186-1 Plotter: IBM6186-1

IBM 6186-2 Plotter: IBM6186-2

IBM 7371 Plotter: IBM7371

IBM 7372 Plotter: IBM7372

IBM 7374 Plotter: IBM7374

IBM 7375-1 Plotter: IBM7375-1

IBM 7375-2 Plotter: IBM7375-2

IBM LaserPrinter: IBM 4019 v52_1 (17 Fonts)

IBM LaserPrinter: IBM 4019 v52_1 (39 Fonts)

IBM NULL Printer Driver

IBM Personal Page Printer II: IBM 4216-031 v51_4 SheetFeed

IBM Personal Page Printer II: IBM Personal Page Printer II-30

IBM Personal Page Printer II: IBM Personal Page Printer II-31

IBM Personal Pageprinter: IBM Personal Pageprinter

LaserWriter II NT: Apple LaserWriter II NT

LaserWriter II NTX: Apple LaserWriter II NTX

LaserWriter Plus: Apple LaserWriter Plus

LaserWriter Plus: Apple LaserWriter Plus v42_2

LaserWriter: Apple LaserWriter

LCS15: Wang LCS15

LCS15: Wang LCS15 FontPlus

Linotype: Linotronic 100 v38_0

Linotype: Linotronic 100 v42_5

Linotype: Linotronic 200 v47_1

Linotype: Linotronic 200 v49_3

Linotype: Linotronic 300 v47_0

Linotype: Linotronic 300 v47_1

Linotype: Linotronic 300 v49_3

Linotype: Linotronic 500 v49_3

Olivetti LP 5000: Olivetti LP 5000

OmniLaser: TI OmniLaser 2108

OmniLaser: TI Omnilaser 2115

P400PS: Agfa/Compugraphic 400PS

Phaser Card: Phaser Card v1_1

PrintServer 40: Digital LPS PrintServer 40

PS-R4081: AST TurboLaser

QMS ColorScript 100: QMS ColorScript 100

QMS-PS 800+: QMS-PS 800 Plus

QMS-PS 800: QMS-PS 800

QMS-PS 810 : QMS-PS 810

Qume ScripTEN: Qume ScripTEN

ScriptPrinter: Digital LN03R ScriptPrinter

SilentWriter: NEC LC-890

Varityper VT-600: Varityper VT-600

Pointing Devices


(Any mouse 100-percent compatible with those listed below.)

Hewlett-Packard mouse

IBM PS/2 mouse

Logitech mouse

Microsoft Mouse

Mouse systems mouse on COM 1

Mouse systems mouse on COM 2

Olivetti mouse

Olivetti/AT&T keyboard mouse



(Any keyboard 100 percent compatible with those listed below.)

Standard keyboards

Hewlett-Packard keyboards

Olivetti keyboards

Disk Adapters


(The following SCSI disk adapters have been tested.)

Adaptec AHA 1515

Adaptec AHA 1520/1522

Adaptec AHA 1640

Adaptec AHA 1740/1744

Adaptec AHA1540/1542

Adaptec AIC-6260



ADIC MCA-1 (Microchannel)

DPT PM2001/90 & 95

DPT PM2011/9095

DPT PM2011B/90

DPT PM2012A/90 & 95

Future Domain MCS-350/700

Future Domain TMC-1660/1680

Future Domain TMC-1680

Future Domain TMC-845/850/860/885

Mylex DCE376 *(2)

Storage Dimensions SDC-1611, 1611B *(3)

Storage Dimensions SDC-3211B

Storage Dimensions SDC-1602, 1602B

Storage Dimensions SDC-3222B

Western Digital WD 7000AX

Western Digital WD7000 Fasst2

Western Digital WD7000EX110/210

SCSI Disk Drives


(The following SCSI disks have been tested.)

Fujitsu M2611SA

Maxtor 7040SR

Micropolis Microdisk 340

Micropolis Microdisk 670

Micropolis Microdisk 1340

Quantum Prodrive 40S

Seagate ST1201N

Seagate ST1239A

Seagate ST1239N

Seagate ST4766N

Seagate ST1480N

Storage Dimensions SpeedStor/2 series

Storage Dimensions SpeedStor/2 Erasable Optical

CD-ROM Drives


(The following CD-ROM drives have been tested.) *(4)

Denon Drd-253

Hitachi CDR-1750s


LMSI cm 214


Sony cdu-541

Toshiba TXM-3301a1

Toshiba TXM-3201a1



*(2) The DCE376 is not supported as a secondary controller and

currently only supports SCSI hard disks; tape or CD-ROM support

is not available.

*(3) The Storage Dimensions driver currently only supports SCSI disks.

Please contact Storage Dimensions for updates that enable tape

and CD-ROM operation.

*(4) Not all adapter/CD-ROM combinations are compatible because of

restrictions in firmware. Please verify compatibility with your

reseller prior to purchase.

While we have endeavored to supply as complete and accurate a list as



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