INF: Persistent Net Connections with LAN Manager 2.1

ID Number: Q79809

2.10 | 2.10



The following information applies to LAN Manager version 2.1 running

under MS-DOS and OS/2.

One of the features of LAN Manager 2.1 is its ability to automatically

save a user's net connections. When the user logs on again, the

connections are automatically reestablished. If the connection

requires a password, the user is prompted.

More Information:

In LAN Manager version 2.0c and earlier, users put the net connections

that require passwords in their AUTOEXEC.BAT file, thus eliminating

the need to wait to manually enter the passwords when their system

boots up. LAN Manager 2.1 saves these NET USEs in a file called

LMUSER.INI, which supersedes any NET USEs in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.

The /persistent option of the NET USE command has four parameters:


This enables persistent net connections, setting autorestore=yes

and saveconnections=yes in LANMAN.INI. Any connections made after

issuing this command will be saved in LMUSER.INI; any connections

deleted will be removed.


This turns off persistent net connections altogether. It sets

autorestore=no and saveconnections=no in LANMAN.INI. No connections

will be saved or restored.


This first writes any existing connections into the LMUSER.INI

file. If the user had any connections in the LMUSER.INI file to

servers that are currently down, they will be dropped. This will

set autorestore=yes and saveconnections=no in LANMAN.INI.


This option will set autorestore=yes and saveconnections=no in the

LANMAN.INI file. The difference between this option and the SAVE

option is that FREEZE won't write any existing connections into

LMUSER.INI. Also, if the user had connections in the LMUSER.INI

file to servers that are currently down, they will NOT be dropped.

Disabling Autosave or Customizing Reconnections


A user can either totally disable the autosave feature of LAN Manager

2.1 or customize the reconnections so he or she does not have to

manually enter any required passwords.

To disable the persistent connections entirely, use the following


net use /persistent:no

This will set autorestore=no and saveconnections=no in LANMAN.INI.

To turn off persistent net connections from within Windows, do the


1. From the Control Panel, select the Network icon.

2. From the Networks window Options menu, choose Restore Connections

at Log On. This will toggle (remove the check mark from) the Restore

Connections option, turning off the persistent net connections.

To customize the reconnections to avoid manually entering passwords,

do the following:

1. (Assume that you have no connections.) Add all the connections that

can be made immediately after logon without being prompted for a

password (that is, all connections for which your logon password is

the correct one).

2. Type "net use /persistent:freeze". This will freeze the LMUSER.INI

file with the current set of connections so that any subsequent NET

USEs do not update it.

3. In the AUTOEXEC.BAT file, enter the NET USE commands that require

passwords. They will not be automatically added to the LMUSER.INI


It is important to note that persistent net connections in LAN Manager

2.1 are workstation-specific. That is, the LMUSER.INI file is

workstation-specific, not user-specific. System administrators can use

the persistent net connection feature to set up any connections that

all users logging on to a specific workstation would need, and then

use the NET USE /PERSISTENT:FREEZE command to freeze the connections.

The system administrator can then configure each user's individual net

connections through the use of logon scripts and batch files.

Additional reference words: 2.10