PRB: Remote Drives Overwrite Local Drives

ID Number: Q79840

1.x 2.00 2.10




When using the NET USE command to associate a remote block device

to a drive letter, if the drive letter is already being used by a

local block device (such as a RAM disk, a floppy disk, or a hard

disk), the network drive overwrites the local drive. Disconnecting

the network drive causes the local drive to return.


When MS-DOS versions 3.0 and 3.1 were current, some MS-DOS versions

1.x/2.x applications still existed. These applications only

recognize drive A and drive B.

Allowing a NET USE of an existing MS-DOS block device drive letter

allows you to get one of these very old applications to load, run,

and read files off the network by redirecting one or both of drives

A and B to a server.

These applications are the reason the MS-DOS ASSIGN utility was


This feature also allows you to "transform" a machine with a very

small drive C or a machine with only a floppy disk into the

equivalent of a diskless workstation by redirecting drives A, B,

and C.


This is a feature of the MS-DOS redirector (both Microsoft Networks

and Microsoft LAN Manager).