INF: Supported Multiport Boards and Other Information

ID Number: Q80040




This article contains a list of multiport boards that support LAN

Manager version 2.1 running under OS/2 version 1.21 or 1.3 or MS-DOS

version 3.3, 4.01, or 5.0.

The boards must come with the necessary drivers. Remote Access Service

(RAS) will set the parameters in the OS2SYS.INI file, but it does not

come with any drivers.

More Information:

Industry Standard Architecture (ISA)


- ARTICm Model 2

8-Port Signetics-based AT board

10 MHz Intel 80C186 processor

1 MB user memory


4 or 8 port Zilog-based AT board

7.37 MHz Intel 80186 processor

128K, 512K user memory

- DigiCHANNEL C/X System


4 or 8 channels

8 MHz 80186 processor

64K user memory

Micro Channel Architecture (MCA)


- ARCTIC Portmaster/A

8-port Signetics-based MCA board

12.5 MHz Intel 80C186 processor

512K, 1 MB user memory


4 or 8 port Zilog-based MCA board

7.37 MHz Intel 80186 processor

512K, 1 MB user memory

- DigiCHANNEL C/X System


4, 8, or channels

12.5 MHz 80186 processor

256K user memory

OS/2 device drivers for the IBM ARCTIC hardware can be obtained from:

Quadron Service Corp.

133 E. De La Guerra #10

Santa Barbara, CA 93101


(805) 966-6424

OS/2 device drivers for the DigiCHANNEL hardware can be obtained from:

DigiBoard, Inc.

6751 Oxford Street

Minneapolis, MN 55426


(800) 344-4273 or (612) 922-8055

The AST 4port is currently being tested and will perhaps soon be added

to this list.

Additional reference words: 2.10 1.30 3.30 5.00