INF: LAN Manager 2.1 Server Autotuning (Part 2)

ID Number: Q80078




All versions of LAN Manager earlier than version 2.1 have provided user

configurable server tuning. Tuning requires knowledge of the structure

of LANMAN.INI so the system administrator can edit the file.

Furthermore, knowledge of the OS/2 operating system is required in

order to optimize performance. Finally, resource requirements must be

understood and taken into account for effective operation. If these

steps are not taken, a LAN Manager server may operate poorly and may

not provide users with adequate resources.

This article contains part 2 of this discussion. For part 1 of this

discussion, query on the following words:

autotuning and part 1

More Information:

Common Errors or "Gotchas"


1. Server static autotuned parameter(s) exceeded.

During server operation, if one of these parameters is exceeded, an

error message will be logged in the server error log. To correct

the problem, restart the server. The new "server best" parameters

will be implemented.

Example: Maxusers exceeded on the server, workstation receives

MS-DOS error 71 or OS/2 error SYS0071: The network request was not


Solution: If the server is not an unlimited version, installation

of an addpak may be necessary to increase the number of users that

can access the server simultaneously. Run NET CONFIG SERVER to

determine the server level. However, if the server is an unlimited

server, the server should be restarted at a time when doing so will

not interrupt currently active users. A new autotuned value will be


To restart the server, type the following commands:

net stop server

net start server

Refer to the "Sessions" section below for further information.

2. Server shut down improperly.

All of the server autotuning functions depend on statistics that

are saved and stored in SERVER.CFG. During the first 48 hours

following server startup, the SERVER.CFG file is not saved. As a

result, the server must be properly shut down during this period or

these statistics will be lost. If the server halts during this

period without being shut down, the server autotuning parameters

will be lost. However, the command NET STOP SERVER will save the

parameters to SERVER.CFG and once the server has been in operation

for more than 48 hours, the SERVER.CFG file will be saved


To shut down the server properly, perform the following steps:

a. Type "net stop server" (user must be logged in with admin


b. Type "net logoff".

c. Type "net stop workstation".

d. Type "cache /lazy:off".

3. From the OS/2 Desktop menu, choose Shutdown.

3. Sessions

Problem: Server session limit exceeded.

Server error log: Net5317: The local session table is full. The NCB

request was refused. The NCB is the Data.

Workstations display: MS-DOS error 51, remote computer is not

listening. OS/2 SYS0051, The remote computer is not available.



Maxconnections is a dynamically autotuned resource; therefore,

users will be able to use as many resources on a server as they

require. Maxusers, a LANMAN.INI parameter, is the maximum number

of clients who have connected to one or more resources on a

server. A client using server resources has one session with

that server. One session may contain one or more connections to

resources on the same server. Maxusers is a statically autotuned

LANMAN.INI resource so that upon system shutdown and restart,

the best server value will be used. However, autodisconnect must

be set manually to a reasonably low value such as 10. In this

way, sessions not in use for more than 10 minutes are allocated

for use by other active users.


Server protocol resources are specified in PROTOCOL.INI. They

are not autotuned parameters. As a result, they must be set

manually by editing CONFIG.SYS. The total number of server

sessions allocated should be equal to the current value of

maxusers + 1. Use READCFG to determine the current value of this

parameter. If the parameter has been manually overridden, use the

value listed in LANMAN.INI. NCBS and Names should be increased

as well. By default, these values are hidden and are not listed

in PROTOCOL.INI. However, these values can be increased by

explicitly entering values.



DriverName = Netbeui$

Bindings = "adaptername"

Names = 17

NCBS = 85

Sessions = 40



DriverName = TCPIP$

Bindings = "adaptername"

TcpConnections = installation setting (0-254)


DriverName = TCPNB$

Bindings = "adaptername"

NumNcbs = installation setting (0-254)

NumNames = 3 (4-64)

NumSessions = 3 (0-254)

Note: TcpConnections must be set to the maximum number of

combined TCP/IP socket sessions and server sessions,

NumSessions. NumSessions must be set to the maximum number of

RFCNetbios sessions, the number of sessions that TCP/IP LAN

Manager workstations will establish with the server,

maxusers + 1.

4. Cache too large, slow operation

For most LAN Manager server installations, cache autotuning is

performed statically and will provide optimal server response for

HPFS386 volumes. However, if the server cannot allocate available

OS/2 memory for server services, value-added services, and

applications, the server will perform slowly. Value-added services

include Microsoft LAN Manager connectivity products such as LMFSA,

RAS, and Comm Server, and various third-party services including

3Com services for the 3Server. The \SWAPPATH\SWAPPER.DAT file may

grow beyond the default (512K). Swappath is specified in CONFIG.SYS

and is \OS2\SYSTEM by default. Use the DIR command to determine

whether this file has been updated. Under normal operation, this

file should not be updated by OS/2 after server startup. If it is

being used, swapping to disk is taking place and the server may

exhibit thrashing and slow response.

Solution: Increase the server RAM. OS/2 1.31 can utilize up to 16

MB of RAM. Manually override the Cache:auto setting in CONFIG.SYS

by specifying an appropriate setting (256...1024...2048...4096). By

restricting the size of reserved cache, system RAM will be made

available to OS/2. Change this parameter using LAN Manager Setup.

Select the Configuration, Server Settings, and File System options,

and fill in the HPFS386 Cache value as prompted.

Sample CONFIG.SYS Cache Statement:

IFS=C:\LanMan\NetProg\Hpfs386.Ifs /I:c:\lanman /Autocheck:C /Cache:Auto

5. LANMAN.INI option not recognized

Net3053: LAN Manager doesn't recognize "invalidparameter" as a

valid option

When editing LANMAN.INI, enter the parameter correctly and do not

add a dynamic resource parameter. Although these parameters are

included in LANMAN.INI in versions earlier than LAN Manager 2.1,

they have been made obsolete.

Sample Default LANMAN.INI



;** Microsoft LAN Manager **;

;** CopyrightÓ Microsoft Corp., 1991 **;


; LAN Manager initialization file, for server configuration.


; This info is read by redir at device init time. It is available to

; applications via NetBiosEnum.

net1 = netbeui$,0

net2 = ubdrv$0,0


computername = Jsbach

domain = ssbulab

othdomains = nbu,domain,langroup

wrkservices = messenger,netpopup

wrknets = net1,net2



refresh = 15

remote =

username = admin


lan_manager = 2.1.RC3


alertnames =

auditing = no

security = user

srvservices =

srvcomment = Darrylw: XNS, Netbeui, LM21 rc3

srvnets = net1,net2



runpath =


logon = user

password =

replicate = import

tryuser = yes


batterytime = 60

recharge = 100

signals = 100

voltlevels = 100

cmdfile =




; Correlates name of service to pathname of service program.

; The pathname must be either

; 1. An absolute path (including the drive specification)

; -or-

; 2. A path relative to the LANMAN root

workstation = services\wksta.exe

server = services\netsvini.exe

messenger = services\msrvinit.exe

netpopup = services\netpopup.exe

alerter = services\alerter.exe

netrun = services\runservr.exe

replicator = services\replicat.exe

ups = services\ups.exe

netlogon = services\netlogon.exe

remoteboot = services\rplservr.exe

timesource = services\timesrc.exe



Cache options

Cache Size 6144 KB

Heap Size 65 KB

Drive C:

Lazy write: ON MaxAge: 10000 msec

BufferIdle: 1000 msec



Cache Statistics

Read Requests: 371577 Disk Reads: 8008

Cache Hit Rate (Reads): 97% Cache Reads: 363569

Write Requests: 125241 Disk Writes: 7912

Cache Hit Rate (Writes): 93% Lazy Writes: 117329

Hot Fixes: 0

Viewcfg Ouput


New server settings:

maxsearches = 10 maxconnections = 10 maxlocks = 10

maxchdevq = 10 maxopens_mfile = 10 maxopens_sfile= 10

numbigbuf = 20 numreqbuf = 160 maxshares = 64

maxusers = 20

Old server settings:

maxsearches = 50 maxconnections = 128 maxlocks = 64

maxchdevq = 2 maxopens_mfile = 64 maxopens_sfile= 64

numbigbuf = 20 numreqbuf = 160 maxshares = 64

maxusers = 20

Auxiliary data:

userlevel = 1 sizreqbuf =4356 checksum =46a8

Additional reference words: 2.10