INF: AHA-154x BID Doesn't Support I/O Addresses of 134/130

ID Number: Q80996




The Adaptec 1540B/1542B BID that shipped with OS/2 version 1.3 for

servers does not support I/O addresses of 134/130. Instead, supported

addresses are 334/330 and 234/230. If an address of 134/130 is used,

the installation disk will be unable to recognize the existence of the

controller, and therefore, will not install OS/2 on the machine.

More Information:

Since these I/O addresses are not supported, the jumper block labeled

J7 on the controller must not have pin 4 jumpered (I/O address of 134)

or pins 2 and 4 jumpered (I/O address 130).

The following is the jumper block and a table of possible address


1 oo

2 oo ]

3 oo ] I/O Address selection jumpers

4 oo ]

5 oo

6 oo

7 oo

8 oo


Address Pins to Jumper

------- --------------

334 none

330 2

234 3

230 2,3

134* 4

130* 2,4

* - Unsupported under current AHA-154x BID

The above information is subject to change without notification. For

the latest information on the AHA-154x BID, contact Adaptec.

Additional reference words: adaptec bid 1542b 1540b