Network Functions Provided by the Windows 3.00 Environment

ID Number: Q60946

1.00 1.01 2.00



Windows version 3.00 provides support for some network commands within

the Windows environment, such as connecting and disconnecting network

drives, browsing servers, connecting to printers, etc. However, the

accessible options are different for the various supported networks.

Below is a description of the functions that are accessible when

Windows 3.00 is configured for the various versions of Microsoft

Network software (LAN Manager and MS-NET). If you are unable to use

menus that should be available to you with the version of the network

software you are using, run Windows SETUP to verify that Windows is

configured for the correct network and version.

More Information:

If Windows 3.00 is installed for MS-NET, LAN Manager 1.x, or LAN

Manager 2.00 BASIC, the following network functions are available:

From the File Manager


Connect net drive

Disconnect net drive

List redirected drive directories

Retain listing of previous connections

From the Control Panel/Printers


Connect to network printer

Disconnect from network printer

Show current network printer connections

If Windows 3.00 is installed for LAN Manager 2.00 Enhanced, the

following functions are available:

From the Control Panel/Network


Log onto network

Log off of network

Change password at remote server

Send message

From the Control Panel/Printers

Connect to network printer

Disconnect from network printer

Browse network servers

Show current network printer connections

From the File Manager


Connect net drive

Disconnect net drive

Browse servers (domain configurable)

Retain listing of previous connections