Windows 3.00 NETWORKS.TXT File: Using a 3Com Network

ID Number: Q61172

1.01 1.01 2.00



The following information was taken from the Microsoft Windows version

3.00 online release notes, from the file NETWORKS.TXT. The following

article describes considerations involved in running Windows 3.00 with

a 3Com network.

More Information:




3Com Networks


Make sure you select the proper 3Com option when you install Windows,

as outlined in Chapter 14, "Networks and Windows," in the Windows

User's Guide.

* 3Com's 3+Share network is based on the Microsoft Network product

and will be handled as such by Windows. (See the section on

Microsoft Network above.)

* 3Com's 3+Open network is based on Microsoft LAN Manager and should

be handled as such by Windows. For 3+Open (based on LanMan 1.0) you

must install LANMAN10.386 driver. (See the section on LAN Manager


In addition:

* If you install Windows for 3Com networks, Setup makes the following

entry in the [386enh] section of SYSTEM.INI for you.


This setting is required if you are running Windows in 386 mode and

using an XNS protocol stack with a 3Com network.

However, if you want to use this stack, but did not install 3Com

networks with Setup, you need to insert the above entry yourself.

For example, you might be using the 3Com XNS stack with another


If you do not use the XNS stack with 3Com networks, you can improve

performance by removing the SYSTEM.INI entry.

* When you install Windows, Setup will modify your AUTOEXEC.BAT file

to make sure the Windows directory appears on your path ahead of any

conflicting directories. However, because of the way that 3+Share

implements its startup procedures, the network might change this

path when you login to it. If so, your system administrator must

modify the network login procedure so that the paths are set

correctly to run Windows.

* On a 3Com 3+Open network, the user's name displayed by Print Manager

might not match the user's actual login name.