INF: MS-DOS LAN Manager EMM Compatibility Information

ID Number: Q62563

2.00 2.10



This article contains some commonly asked questions and answers that

are frequently asked about Expanded Memory Manager (EMM)


1. Q. MS-DOS LAN Manager versions 2.0 and 2.1 ship with an EMM called

EMM386.SYS (for version 2.0) or EMM386.EXE (for version 2.1).

Will this EMM work on my 80386 PC?

A. EMM386.SYS/EMM386.DOS (as well as HIMEM.SYS) function properly

on any and all fully compatible 80386-based PCs.

2. Q. What if my 80386 PC comes with its own EMM driver? Does the

MS-DOS LAN Manager Setup program recognize this EMM or does it

still install EMM386?

A. When MS-DOS LAN Manager is installed on an 80386 PC where an EMM

is ALREADY PRESENT and ACTIVE, the Setup program detects the

presence of the active EMM and does not offer the EMM option

(and thus does not install EMM386). Then, since the LANMAN.INI

"LIM=" parameter defaults to YES, the redirector DOES use the

existing EMM when the workstation is started.

3. Q. Does the MS-DOS LAN Manager redirector work with any EMM driver,

or is there a list of supported EMM drivers?

A. The MS-DOS LAN Manager redirector uses and properly functions

with any LIM 4.0 compliant EMM.

4. Q. Does MS-DOS LAN Manager include an EMM for 80286 computers?

A. There is no 80286 EMM shipped with MS-DOS LAN Manager. When

MS-DOS LAN Manager is installed on an 80286 PC, the Setup

program detects the 80286 and DOES NOT offer the EMM option.

However, since the LANMAN.INI LIM parameter defaults to YES, the

redirector WILL use a LIM 4.0 compliant EMM if one is present

when the workstation is started.