PRB: Error L2029: '__FCclenv' : unresolved external

ID Number: Q83218

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax




In Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax, linking with the

Microsoft graphics library (GRAPHICS.LIB) may result in the

following two errors:

graphics.lib(..\gr\stb_font.c) : error L2029: '__FCclenv'

: unresolved external

graphics.lib(..\gr\stb_text.c) : error L2029: '__FCclenv'

: unresolved external


The above errors are most likely cause by improper placement of

the GRAPHICS.LIB filename on the LINK command line. The linker

tries to link GRAPHICS.LIB as an .OBJ, and is therefore

linking in all the object modules within the graphics library. The

references to FCclenv in STB_FONT.C and STB_TEXT.C are unresolved.


When linking, specify GRAPHICS.LIB as a library by placing it in the

library field of the link command line. For example:

link test.obj,,,graphics.lib;

More Information:

More information about the linker may be found on page 29 of the

"Microsoft C Reference" and the link section of the online help.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax