Updating from DOS LAN Manager Version 2.00 to Version 2.00b

ID Number: Q69134




I am updating DOS LAN Manager using the version 2.00b update disks

sent to me. The update went smoothly and my server is running, but

when I create and use the UPDATE share, I cannot seem to get my DOS

workstation to update to version 2.00b. The following error message is


You must be running OS/2 to update to Lan Manager OS/2


The problem described above generally occurs when updating from DOS

LAN Manager version 2.00 to 2.00b. Although this problem can occur

when updating from version 2.00a to 2.00b, no reports of this

happening have been recorded.

The only way to update a DOS workstation from the update disks is to

update over the network with the UPDATE share created by the

SHAREUPD.EXE program on the server.

UPDATE will look for the following files to determine which version of

DOS LAN Manager is running:

DOS ENHANCED: \lanman.dos\netwksta\netwksta.320

DOS BASIC : \lanman.dos\redir\redir.320

OS/2 SERVER : \lanman\services\netsvini.exe

If UPDATE doesn't find any of the above files, it will assume you are

running OS/2 LAN Manager.

If UPDATE finds NETAPI.DLL on the workstation, it will assume you are

running Windows and will return the following error message:

Cannot update while Lan Manager is running under windows.

Exit windows and restart UPDATE.EXE.

You can work around this problem by copying the appropriate files over

to the workstation and running UPDATE again.