PRB: EACCES Misspelled as EACCESS in C 6.0/6.0a "C Reference"

ID Number: Q71205

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a




The ERRNO error code constant EACCES is spelled incorrectly in a

number of C run-time library function descriptions in the "Microsoft C

Reference" that ships with C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax. The

constant is listed as EACCESS, but it should be EACCES in order to

correspond to the ERRNO.H header file and the C run-time library. The

error code is spelled correctly in the online help system.

The following is a list of the function descriptions that contain the

misspelled constant, and the pages where they appear:

Function Page(s)

-------- -------

access 135

chsize 158

creat 163

_dos_creat 168

_dos_createnew 168

_dos_open 174

_dos_read 174

_dos_setfileattr 176

_dos_write 178

exec functions 183-186

locking 261

mkdir 273

open 281

remove 309

rename 309

rmdir 310

unlink 357

utime 358

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax