INF: Color Constants in GRAPH.H Used Only By Certain Functions

ID Number: Q71262

5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00



In Microsoft C versions 5.0, 5.1, 6.0, 6.0a, 6.0ax, and 7.0, the

predefined color constants found in GRAPH.H are used only by the

functions _remapallpalette(), _remappalette(), and _setbkcolor().

These functions expect long integer values for colors. Examples of

these constants are _BLUE, _GREEN, _RED, and so on. They will not

work with the _setcolor() and _settextcolor() functions, which expect

short integer values. Also, these constants will not work with

_setbkcolor() if the present video mode is a text mode.

These two systems of specifying colors are not interchangeable. In

graphics modes, values passed to _setcolor() and _settextcolor() are

index values into the color palette. The values in the color palette

are set with the _remapallpalette() and _remappalette() functions. The

_setbkcolor() function is a special case of _remappalette(), which is

used to set the color for palette index zero.