INF: Purpose of Using Local Security in LAN Manager 2.0

ID Number: Q58694

2.00 2.10



Local security is not for casual use. It should be used to protect

data on production servers from unauthorized access by people who have

physical access to these production servers.

Do not install local security on a production server without first

installing it on a test server to ensure that the usage and

implications of local security are clearly understood.

How much security is required in your situation is something you must

decide; however, it is expected that in the majority of cases local

security is more security than is needed.

Local security was added to OS/2 LAN Manager version 2.0 to meet the

specialized, more stringent security needs of what is expected to be a

small minority of OS/2 LAN Manager customers. Therefore, we expect

that for most OS/2 LAN Manager customers, the additional planning and

administration required to run local security will not be necessary.

Additional reference words: 2.00 2.10 2.1