ID Number: Q58725
2.00 2.10
DCA/Microsoft Communications Server/Workstation (Comm Server) products
provide communications support between OS/2 and IBM MVS and VM
environments through IBM System Network Architecture (SNA) networks.
Comm Server supports IBM 3270 terminal interfaces (LU 1, 2, 3) and
Advanced Program-to-Program Communications (APPC over LU 6.2). Both
options support C-language-based API interfaces, including
high-level-language API (HLLAPI) for 3270 terminal support and APPC
APIs for APPC support. HLLAPI support also includes language interface
modules (LIMs), which allow customers to provide their own support for
other high-level languages.
Please refer to the DCA/Microsoft Communications Server documentation
for more information about link types supported, and other facilities
provided by Comm Server.
More Information:
Micro Tempus, based in Montreal, Canada, has announced additional
products that will enhance the connectivity between LAN Manager and
IBM MVS environments, including the following:
1. LAN Manager/MVS: Porting LAN Manager to run on IBM mainframes. This
product will include support for disk sharing as well as API
support, including named pipes and LAN APIs for the mainframe.
2. The Enterprise Router. Using Comm Server and special IBM host
software, this product allows an IBM host to act as a transparent
"router" of requests between two OS/2 LAN Manager networks.
For more information about these products, contact Larry DeBoever or
Dan Brayton at Micro Tempus, Inc., at (514) 397-9512.