PRB: C 6.0 Does Not Give Warning That /Gm Is Not Functioning

ID Number: Q68391

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a





The /Gm compiler option for moving strings to the const segment is

not supported in C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax. The compiler will

permit /Gm to be specified on the command line, but no

functionality is attached to the option.

In C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax, no warnings are displayed to

inform you that /Gm is not performing any function, and strings are

not moved to the const segment. In addition, the online help

incorrectly lists /Gm as a valid option. However, the README.DOC

correctly notes that the option has been removed.


Microsoft C/C++ version 7.0 generates an "unknown switch" warning

for /Gm.

Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax