MSG.SEND.DATAGRAM Returning Undocumented Error

ID Number: Q61785

1.00 1.01



When using the LAN Manager version 1.01 NetBIOS, we periodically

receive a NetBIOS return code 09 when sending a MSG.SEND.DATAGRAM

(A0). A code 09 is not a legitimate return code according to the IBM

technical reference Token-Ring Network PC adapter manual. What should

we do when this occurs?


This error comes from NetBEUI as it runs out of resources. You should

to increase the following parameters in PROTOCOL.INI in the [netbeui]

section, as follows:

1. If you are using the Mnetb/Mdlc stack (for more information, see

the "Microsoft LAN Manager 1.0 Network Device Drivers Guide")

Min Max Default

--- ---- -------

tx.u.buffers 2 32 4 + 1/4(commands=)


commands 1 255 32

Tx.u.buffers controls the number of buffers allocated for the UI

frame including datagrams, status queries, and session

establishment frames.

2. If you are using the NetBEUI stack (for more information, see the

documentation enclosed with the release notes dated August 23,


Min Max Default

--- ---- -------

datagrampackets 2 1000 2 packets

looppackets 1 1000 1 packets

Datagrampackets controls the number of data descriptors to allocate

for packetizing NetBIOS datagrams into UI frames.

Looppackets controls the number of packets looped back on the

workstation. This parameter will affect the workstation issuing

MSG.SEND.DATAGRAM if it has also put out

RECEIVE.BROADCAST.DATAGRAM. It will receive its own datagram

through the loop back in NetBEUI.