INF: Token Ring RPL for DOS

ID Number: Q63242




This article describes installing and setting up a server for remote

booting MS-DOS under LAN Manager version 2.0c. It is assumed in this

article that LAN Manager 2.0c is installed on the server in C:\LANMAN,

and the workstation to be booted is named DEFAULT. To perform some of

the steps below, you must be logged on with an account that has ADMIN


Hardware required on the workstation is an IBM Token Ring RPL ROM for

LAN Manager 2.0 installed on an IBM Token Ring adapter. Make sure a

LAN Manager server is installed, and have the following items

available: LAN Manager install disks (OS/2 and DOS), the LAN Manager

Patch 9 disks, a blank floppy disk, and MS-DOS version 5.0.

More Information:

Procedures for Installation and Setup


1. Make sure the server name is not more than eight characters in

length. Also, be sure there is at least 10 megabytes (MB) free on

the server's hard drive for the initial setup, and one RPL


2. On the server, use LAN Manager's Setup program to add the

REMOTEBOOT protocol along with NetBEUI to the Token Ring card

driver. Save the configuration and exit Setup.

3. Edit CONFIG.SYS as follows:

a. Add "SET TMP=C:\TMP" (without the quotation marks) to the end




c. If the line "DEVICE=COM01.SYS" or "DEVICE=COM02.SYS" appears

in CONFIG.SYS, make sure this driver is listed before


d. Save CONFIG.SYS and exit the editor.

4. Make the directory C:\TMP (type "md c:\tmp").

5. Edit C:\LANMAN\LANMAN.INI as follows:

a. In the [server] section, make the following changes:

1) For "maxopens", add 50 for each RPL workstation.

2) Set "maxconnections" to twice the value of maxopens.

3) Set "maxlocks" to the value of maxopens.

4) Set "maxsessopens" to the value of maxopens.

b. In the [remoteboot] section, make sure the RPL1 line reads as


rpl1 = rplnet1.dll rplnet2.dll rploem.dll 0

Place a semicolon in front of any other RPL1 or RPL2 lines in

this section to comment out those lines.

c. Save C:\LANMAN\LANMAN.INI and exit the editor.

6. From the C:\LANMAN directory, run RPLSETUP. Choose the DOS option.

Install to C:\LANMAN.

7. Edit C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS\LANMAN.INI. Change the "domain =" entry to

match the server's domain.

8. Verify the interrupt and base address settings for the workstation


9. Edit C:\LANMAN\RPL\RPL.MAP as follows:

a. Comment out (using a semicolon) the last three server records

(the ones that begin with yyyyyyyyyyyy). Leave the record that

refers to DOSBBTOK.CNF in field 2.

b. Change all occurrences of "RPLSERVR" to the name of the server.

c. Comment out (using a semicolon) all of the workstation records.

(These are at the bottom of the file and begin with 10005A and


d. Add the following workstation record to the bottom of the file:

10005A?????? DEFAULT ~ DOS500 <servername> ~~~~,,, Z R_DOSETH ~ ~

Note: Replace "<servername>" with the name of the server.

10. From Patch 9 disk 2, copy




11. On the server, make the directory C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS500.

12. Copy any DOS files to C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS500 from your MS-DOS 5.0

machine (for example, copy any DOS utilities that will be used on

the RPL workstation, such as CHKDSK.EXE).

13. On a machine running MS-DOS 5.0, format a 1.2 MB system floppy

disk (type "format /s a:").

14. Copy A:\COMMAND.COM from the system disk to C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS500.

15. Change to the C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS directory. Insert the DOS 5.0

system formatted disk into drive A of the server. At the OS/2

command prompt, type "makeimg dos500" (without the quotation


16. For user-level security, at the command line, type:

net accounts /minpwlen:0

net group rpl /add

net user default /add /passwordreq:no


net group rpl default /add

Enter the Net Admin Screen and assign these permissions for

DEFAULT to the following trees:

Permission Tree

---------- ----


(Be sure to use <PERMIT TREE>.)

Give to the group RPL the following permissions to the following



(Be sure to use <PERMIT TREE>.)

17. Shut down and reboot the server.

18. If the RPL workstation has a hard drive, copy

C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS\RPLENABL.EXE to a floppy disk, insert the floppy

disk in the workstation's disk drive, and run RPLENABL.EXE on the


19. When the server has booted and the SERVER service has started,

type "net load rpl" at the OS/2 command line.

20. On the server, start the remote boot service by typing:

net start rpl

21. Power up the RPL workstation. The boot process will begin.

Customizing the Installation


The following files are used to configure the workstation:







Note: If any of the above files are modified (with the exception of

PROTOCOL.INI), a new disk image must be made (step 13).

The following information is an example of how to install device

drivers (for example, HIMEM.SYS) on the workstation:

1. Copy HIMEM.SYS from a DOS workstation to C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS.


3. Edit C:\LANMAN\RPL\DOS\DOS500.DEF and add the following line to

the end of the file:


4. Insert the DOS 5.0 system formatted disk in drive A on the server.

At the OS/2 command prompt, type "makeimg dos500".