High Granularity Setting Affects Windows/VB Form Resizing

ID Number: Q79386




If you set the granularity of Windows' invisible sizing grid to a

value greater than zero, you may notice that form resizing is no

longer smooth. This behavior is correct and can be changed by setting

the granularity back to zero.

This information applies to all Microsoft Windows 3.0 and 3.0a

programs, including programs written with Microsoft Visual Basic

programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

The Windows Control Panel program group contains several icons that

allow you to customize the Windows environment. The Desktop program

allows you to specify the Windows granularity setting. If you notice

that Visual Basic forms do not smoothly resize, but instead resize in

"chunks," the problem may be caused by a granularity setting that is

too high.

To change the Windows granularity setting, do the following:

1. Open the Windows Main program group.

2. Double-click on the Control Panel icon.

3. Double-click on the Desktop icon.

4. Move to the granularity text box in the lower right portion of the

dialog box.

5. Click the up or down scroll arrow to the right of the text box to

increase or decrease the size of the grid. Or, type the number you

want in the text box.

Note: The allowable range of values is 0-49 inclusive. Setting the

granularity to zero will produce the smoothest form resizing.

6. Choose OK.


"Microsoft Windows 3.0 Graphical Environment: Users Guide," version

3.0, page 157

Additional reference words: 1.00 3.00 3.00a