ID Number: Q79598
If you create a compiled executable program with the same base name as
a dynamic link library (DLL) that is called from the program, an "Error
Loading DLL" message will be displayed when the compiled program
attempts to call the DLL. If the DLL is loaded before the .EXE program
is run (for example, if the DLL is in use from another application)
then the executable program will not run at all.
Similarly, if an .EXE program has the same name as a loaded device
driver (.DRV) and the driver is loaded before you run the .EXE
program, then your executable program will not run. For example, if
you name your executable program TIMER.EXE, it will not run because
Windows has already loaded a device driver named TIMER.DRV.
This behavior is how Windows is designed to operate. It is not a
problem with Microsoft Visual Basic, because the behavior can occur
with any Windows application, and may occur between any two Windows
modules (either from executable programs or DLLs).
This information applies to the Microsoft Visual Basic programming
system version 1.0 for Windows.
More Information:
This behavior occurs because Windows checks, by module name, to see if
a program is already loaded before it tries to execute that program.
If the requested module is already loaded, Windows creates another
instance of that module. Thus, attempting to load a DLL with the same
module name as an already executing program will fail (usually with
the error "Error Loading DLL"), and attempting to start an executable
program with the same module name as an already loaded DLL will not
execute the program.
Because the module name for a DLL is often the same as the name of the
DLL itself (although this can be varied using the LIBRARY entry of the
module definition file used when creating the DLL), and the module name
for a compiled Visual Basic program is the same as the original base
.EXE file name, attempting to load a DLL and a Visual Basic .EXE program
that share the same name will often result in one of the above errors.
To avoid this problem, either recompile the Visual Basic program and
change the .EXE filename, or recreate the DLL, changing the LIBRARY
entry in the module definition file.
Additional reference words: 1.00