PRB: Integer Divide by 0 Only on 8088/86 Machine

ID Number: Q68599

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00




The code below produces an error on computers with Intel 8088/86

processors, but runs correctly on later versions of the Intel

processors, such as the 80286. When the program is run on an

8088/8086 machine, the following error occurs:

run-time error R6003

- integer divide by 0


The problem is caused by the difference between the IDIV

instruction on the processors. The Intel programmer's reference

manual for the 8088/86 processor states the following:

For word integer division, the maximum positive quotient is

+32767 and the minimum negative quotient is -32767. If the

quotient is positive and exceeds the maximum, or is negative and

is less than the minimum, the quotient and remainder are

undefined, and a type 0 interrupt is generated.

A type 0 (zero) interrupt is an "Integer Divide By 0" error, which

means that the lowest negative number that can be used on an

8088/86 CPU machine for integer division is -32767. The developer

should not allow an integer to become -32768. This limitation has

changed with later versions of the Intel processors, which allow

integer division with a quotient of -32768.


This is not a problem with the code generated by the compiler.

Because the problem is exhibited at execution time, the programmer

must ensure that an integer will not take on a value of -32768

before it is used as a quotient.

More Information:

Sample Code


#include <stdio.h>

void main(void)


int numerator=-32768;

int denominator=1;

int result;



Additional reference words: 5.10 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 7.00