PRB: stricmp() Compares Using Lowercase Characters

ID Number: Q71977

6.00 6.00a 6.00ax | 6.00 6.00a




The Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and 6.0ax run-time library

contains a function called stricmp() that does case-insensitive

comparisons of null-terminated strings. When comparing strings,

stricmp() converts any letters that are uppercase to lowercase letters

for the sake of comparison. In most cases, this case conversion is

unimportant but occasionally it may result in unexpected behavior.

More Information:

To illustrate when case conversion by stricmp() affects the outcome of

a comparison, assume that you have the two strings "JOHNSTON" and

"JOHN_HENRY". The string "JOHN_HENRY" will be considered less than

"JOHNSTON" because the "_" has a lower ASCII value than a lowercase


In fact, any character that has an ASCII value between 91 and 96 will

be considered less than any letter. The following are the characters

in this range of ASCII values:

[ \ ] ^ _ `

If the strcmp() function is used instead of stricmp(), "JOHN_HENRY"

will be greater than "JOHNSTON".

The above behavior of the stricmp() function is correct. However, the

documentation that ships with Microsoft C versions 6.0, 6.0a, and

6.0ax fails to mention that the strings are first converted to

lowercase letters. The "Microsoft C Optimizing Compiler Run-time

Library Reference" for version 5.1 does mention this conversion on

page 575.

If you require strings to be compared as uppercase letters, the sample

code below illustrates one way to do so. With this function,

"JOHN_HENRY" will be greater than "JOHNSTON".

Note: There is also a function called strcmpi(), but this name is an

obsolete synonym for stricmp(). All information here pertaining to

stricmp() also pertains to strcmpi().

Sample Code


int stricmp_alt(char * string1, char * string2)


int first,second;

do {

first = toupper(*string1);

second = toupper(*string2);



} while (first && first == second);

return(first - second);


Additional reference words: 6.00 6.00a 6.00ax 5.10