If .EXE File Increases in Size, Perform Save Text/Load Text

ID Number: Q79600





Visual Basic executable (.EXE) files will increase in size if you

repeatedly compile them because of symbol table information that is

not released after compiling. Symbol table information is also not

released while editing Visual basic forms and modules. This has no

effect other than to increase the size of executables and source


To reduce the size of executable and source files, do the following

for each form in your project:

1. From the Code menu, choose View Code (F7).

2. From the Code menu, choose Save Text.

3. From the Code menu, choose Load Text, and choose the Replace


This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Executable files will grow in size after being compiled several times

in succession, even if no changes are made to the code. This occurs

because symbol table information tracked during compilation is not

released. The symbol table area is 32K in size for each form or

module. This is a known problem.

A similar problem occurs when you edit your program. Each time you use

a variable, constant, Sub or Function name, or line label, Visual

Basic stores that name in the symbol table area for the module or form

you are editing. When you stop using this name, the symbol table space

is not reclaimed until you have run out of unused space.

To trim programs of this overhead, you will need to perform a

SaveText, then LoadText operation on every form, global module, and

module in the program. This will clear the symbol table and make your

program smaller. To have the smallest executable file size possible,

you should immediately compile once after the Load and Save

operations, and use this version for release.

This problem should not affect the development of Visual Basic

applications, and the overhead can be eliminated from any final or

release version of a product with the steps described above.



To reduce the size of your source file and .EXE program in VB.EXE, do

the following for each form in your project:

1. From the Code menu, choose View Code (F7), or double-click on the

form or on any control, to display the Code window.

2. From the Code menu, choose Save Text. Enter a unique filename with

a .TXT extension, and choose the OK button.

3. From the Code menu, choose Load Text. Enter the same filename you

used in step 2 (or select the name from the Files box). Choose the

Replace button.

(Note that the Code window must be open when you do these steps. If

the Code window is closed when you perform the Load Text command,

the Replace button will be unavailable.)

4. Repeat the above steps for each form in your project.

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