ID Number: Q79764
Visual Basic programs normally may not have more than 15 files open at
once. Visual Basic displays the error message "Too many files" (error
code 67) when you attempt to open more than the maximum number of
files at once. You can increase the maximum number of open files by
calling the Windows API function SetHandleCount.
This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system
version 1.0 for Windows.
More Information:
The Windows API function SetHandleCount requests Windows to change the
maximum number of files a program can open. SetHandleCount returns the
actual number of handles that the program can use, which may be less
than the number requested.
The FILES= statement in the CONFIG.SYS file does not limit the number
of files available to a Microsoft Windows program.
Do not attempt to increase the number of files with MS-DOS interrupt
21 hex with function 67 hex. This interrupt does not record
information needed by Windows.
The following code example demonstrates how to use SetHandleCount:
'*** In the global module: ***
Declare Function SetHandleCount% Lib "kernel" (ByVal n%)
'*** In the form: ***
Sub Form_Load ()
n% = SetHandleCount(60) ' request 60 file handles
MsgBox "Maximum number of open files: " + Format$(n%)
End Sub
Additional reference words: 1.00