VB Online Help: "Drawing a Line or Box on a Form" with a Label

ID Number: Q80285





The Visual Basic online Help topic "Drawing a Line or Box on a Form"

contains incorrect information regarding how to use a label control to

draw a line or box on a form. This article corrects and supplements

that information.

This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system

1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

You can use the label tool in the Toolbox in VB.EXE to draw simple

lines or solid (filled-in) boxes on forms.

By using a label instead of the Line method, you can see the line or

box in design mode and you can easily animate the line or box with the

Move method.

To draw a line or box with a label control, do the following:

1. Place a label on a form.

2. Set the Caption property to null.

3. Set the BackColor property to black, or some other color.

4. Size the label. To make a line, set either the Height or Width

property to the minimum value (1 pixel).

To find the incorrect Help topic, search the online Help for "line".

The topic states the following:

To add color, set the BackColor property to the color you want.

Do not set the BorderStyle property to -1 (True) as it states in the

online Help.

Additional reference words: 1.00