ID Number: Q80187
You can drag an item and drop it into a list box by using the Visual
Basic TextHeight method and the Windows 3.0 API SendMessage function
to calculate where to drop the item.
This information applies to Microsoft Visual Basic programming system
version 1.0 for Windows.
More Information:
There is no standard way to determine in which position you are
dropping an item into a Visual Basic list box when you are performing
a drag and drop operation. You must calculate the position using the
TextHeight method and the Windows API SendMessage function with the
Using TextHeight, you can determine the height of each row of a list
box. Dividing this by the Y value that is passed as an argument in the
List_DragDrop event procedure, you can determine how many lines from
the top of the list box that the Drag.Icon is located over. The
SendMessage constant LB_GETTOPINDEX will give you the index of the
first visible item in the list box. Adding these two numbers will tell
you which index location where to insert the item in the list box.
To demonstrate an example of dropping items into the list box, do the
1. Run Visual Basic, or from the File menu, choose New Project
(ALT, F, N) if Visual Basic is already running. Form1 will
be created by default.
2. Create a program with the following controls and related
Ctrl CtlName DragMode
---- ------- --------
Picture Picture1 Automatic
List List1 Manual
3. Add the following code to the global module:
'============= Global.Bas ===============
Declare Function SendMessage& Lib "User" (
ByVal hWnd%,
ByVal wMsg%,
ByVal wParam%,
lParam As Any)
Declare Function GetFocus Lib "User" () As Integer
Global Const LB_GETTOPINDEX = &H400 + 15
3. Add the following code to the DragDrop event procedure of List1:
'============== Form1.frm ==================
Sub List1_DragDrop (Source As Control, X As Single, Y As Single)
'get the first visible index in the list box
ListHwnd = GetFocus()
TopI& = SendMessage(ListHwnd, LB_GETTOPINDEX, 0&, 0&)
ColumnHeight = TextHeight("A ")
InsertI& = Y \ ColumnHeight
If InsertI& <= List1.ListCount Then
List1.AddItem "This is inserted @" + Format$(InsertI&
+ TopI&, "0"), InsertI& + TopI&
List1.AddItem "This is inserted"
End If
End Sub
4. From the Run menu, choose Start (ALT, R, S) to run the program.
Drag and drop the picture box over the list box and an item should be
added to the list box. An item will be added to the list box each time
you drag and drop the picture box over the list box.
Additional reference words: 1.00