In VB CDK, VBSetErrorMessage Only Works for "VBM_" Messages

ID Number: Q80403





The Visual Basic Control Development Kit (CDK) API function

VBSetErrorMessage only operates correctly when called in response to a

"VBM_" message, such as VBM_SETPROPERTY.

This information applies to the Microsoft Visual Basic Control

Development Kit (CDK) for Microsoft Visual Basic Programming system

version 1.0 for Windows. The Visual Basic CDK is shipped as part of

Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic version 1.0

for Windows.

More Information:

The VBSetErrorMessage routine can be called from a custom control in

response to a VBM_ message to pass an error number and message back to

Visual Basic. When execution returns to Visual Basic, a trappable

run-time error will occur, with the error number and message specified

in the call to VBSetErrorMessage.

The VBSetErrorMessage routine works only in response to messages that

originate from Visual Basic itself (VBM_ messages). Visual Basic

responds to the return code for VBM_ messages, and in turn sets the

error condition in the program. If the return code for a VBM_ message

is True, Visual Basic will generate an error condition. For other

messages (non VBM_ messages), Visual Basic must pass along the return

code to the originator of the message (usually Windows); therefore,

Visual Basic will not generate an error condition for these messages.


"Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide," Ó 1992, page

117 (shipped with Professional Toolkit)

"Microsoft Visual Basic: Control Development Guide," Ó 1991, page

108 (part no. 20666)

Additional reference words: 1.00