Must Type Filename Extension in VB Load Picture Dialog Box

ID Number: Q80643





When loading a Windows bitmap, icon, or metafile into the Picture

property of a Visual Basic form or picture control using the Load

Picture dialog box (activated by choosing the ellipsis button to the

right of the Properties list box), the default filename extension

(BMP, WMF, ICO) is not automatically added if you enter a base

filename without an extension. To correctly load a file, you must

specify both the base filename and the extension.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with Microsoft Visual

Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows. Microsoft is

researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.

More Information:

Normally, a Windows file list dialog box that displays one or more

default extensions will automatically locate and open a file with any

of the default extensions if given the base name. However, this does

not occur when you select a file for the Picture property by using the

Load Picture dialog box.



To work around this problem, simply type in the extension at the end

of the filename.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. From the File menu, choose New Project.

2. Select the Picture property from the Properties list box.

3. Choose the ellipsis button on the right of the Settings box to

bring up the Load Picture dialog box.

4. Type the name of one of the files listed in the Files box without

its extension and choose the OK button.

An error message will displayed stating that the selected file was not


Additional reference words: 1.00