MDI Child Custom Control UAE w/CTRL+INSERT in Properties List

ID Number: Q80777





The MDI Child custom control may generate an "Unrecoverable

Application Error" (UAE) message if you highlight the value of the

Icon property of an MDI child in the Settings box and repeatedly


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with the MDI Child custom

control supplied with Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft

Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Visual Basic 1.0 programming environment (VB.EXE), choose

Add File from the File menu, and select MDICHILD.VBX from the Files


2. Select the MDI Child tool from the Toolbox.

3. Click and drag on the form to place an MDI child control.

4. Select the Icon property from the Properties list box.

5. Select (highlight) the "(none)" entry in the Settings box.

6. Press CTRL+INSERT (you may need to repeat this sequence of

keystrokes 10 or more times).

A UAE may occur.

Additional reference words: 1.00