VB Graph Custom Control Left Scale Overlaps on Log/Lin Graph

ID Number: Q80846





Using the Graph custom control from Microsoft Professional Toolkit for

Visual Basic 1.0, if you try to plot values less than or equal to zero

on a Log/Lin graph (GraphType=7), the left labels overlap. You must

check the values you are plotting to make sure they are greater than


Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Professional

Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for

Windows. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

More Information:

When GraphData values less than or equal to zero are plotted on

Log/Lin graphs, the left labels overlap and are illegible. There are

three methods for setting values less than or equal to zero for


- Assign the values at run time, or the let the user assign them.

- Expressly enter such values at design time.

- Enter the first data value in GraphData that makes RandomData

false and the remaining GraphData values equal to zero.

As a workaround for the first two methods, test the values of the data

points to be plotted before assigning them to GraphData. If data

values are less than or equal to zero, then either ignore those values

or find new non-negative values to replace them. If the data values

are greater then zero, assign them to GraphData.

As a workaround for the last method, first set DrawMode=0 (no action).

This step will prevent the graph from constantly updating every time

you enter in a new GraphData value. Then assign all of the GraphData

points non-negative values. Finally, reset DrawMode=2 (draw) so that

the graph will display the new data points.

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Visual Basic 1.0 programming environment, choose Add File

from the File menu, and select the GRAPH.VBX custom control.

2. Select the Graph control from the Toolbox.

3. On Form1, add a Graph control (Graph1).

4. For Graph1, set only the following properties:

GraphType=7 (Log/Lin)


The axis will be redrawn and the left axis (Y-axis) will overlap.

Running the program will yield the same results. The graph will redraw

with overlapping left (Y-axis) labels.

Additional reference words: 1.00