Closing Maximized VB MDI Child Custom Control Flashes Control

ID Number: Q80847





Using the Control-menu Close command to close a maximized MDI child

window that sets the visible property to 0 in the Close event

procedure will display the window briefly before closing that window

at run time. After first maximizing the MDI Child control and then

choosing Close from the Control-menu of the MDI Child control, the

window will flash on the screen in its previous size. This is not

expected behavior.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in the MDI Child custom

control included with the Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft

Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are

researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Visual Basic 1.0 programming environment, choose Add File

from the File menu, and select the MDICHILD.VBX custom control.

2. Select the MDI Child control from the Toolbox.

3. Click and drag on the form to create an MDI Child control.

4. Double-click on the MDI child window to bring up a Code window.

5. In the Procedure box, choose the Close event, and add the following


Sub MDIChild1_Close ()

MDIchild1.visible = 0

End Sub

6. From the Run menu, choose Start to run the application.

7. Double-click the MDI child window title bar to maximize it.

8. From the Control-menu (box in upper left corner) for the MDI child

window, choose Close.

Note: The MDI child window appears for an instant in a smaller size. It

seems to restore itself to its initial size before becoming invisible,

which is not the expected behavior.

Additional reference words: 1.00