INF: The GlobalDosAlloc Function and CD-ROM I/O

ID Number: Q71150




An application that allocates buffers for data to be passed to the

waveOutPrepareHeader and waveOutWrite functions should use the

GlobalAlloc function and specify the GMEM_MOVEABLE and GMEM_SHARE

attributes. GMEM_MOVEABLE is required due to a problem with Microsoft

Windows version 3.0 that causes fixed memory blocks to be page locked.

(This problem has been fixed in Windows 3.1.) GMEM_SHARE is required

so that the application will be compatible with future versions of


MS-DOS I/O (input and output) performance is often better when buffer

memory is allocated by the GlobalDosAlloc function. However,

GlobalDosAlloc memory is very limited because it is allocated from the

physical memory addressed below 1 MB (MS-DOS memory). Because most of

this memory is used by MS-DOS, terminate-and-stay-resident programs

(TSRs), and Windows itself, very little memory is available for

application program use. Allocations of more than 4K are likely not to

succeed. This small limit is in direct conflict with the 32K optimum

read size for a CD-ROM device.

To achieve acceptable performance with the large amounts of data

associated with CD-ROM based applications, it is necessary to use

large (32K) buffers. Use the GlobalAlloc function to allocate the


In the present implementation of the Multimedia Extensions to

Microsoft Windows, the waveOut* functions accept memory blocks

allocated with GlobalDosAlloc. However, this behavior is not

guaranteed and may change in future versions of Windows.

Additional reference words: 1.00