INF: How to Determine That Multimedia Windows Is Running

ID Number: Q77698




When Microsoft Multimedia Windows is run, certain drivers, such as

MMSOUND.DRV and MMSYSTEM.DLL, are loaded immediately. An application

can use this information to determine whether Multimedia Windows is

running, as follows:

hModule = GetModuleHandle("mmsystem.dll");

if (!hModule)


bMultimedia = FALSE;


"This application should be run with MMWindows",

"Alert", MB_OK);


The GetModuleHandle function attempts to retrieve the "module

instance" handle to the MMSYSTEM dynamic-link library (DLL). The

return value is zero if MMSYSTEM has not been loaded and greater than

zero if MMSYSTEM is loaded. Therefore, when hModule is zero,

Multimedia Windows is not running; otherwise, Multimedia Windows is


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