INF: Using the C qsort() Function to Sort Structures

ID Number: Q73853

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The Microsoft C and QuickC run-time library function qsort() is useful

for sorting data; however, it is necessary to provide qsort() a

compare function for the type of data being sorted. This sometimes

causes confusion when that type is a structure. The sample program

below illustrates how to use qsort() to sort an array of structures.

In the sample code, the animal structure contains both an integer,

which is the key to be sorted on, and an array of char that contains

the animal's name. The compare() function receives two pointers to

type struct animal and returns -1, 1, or 0 if the first element is

less than, greater than, or equal to the first element, respectively.

Sample Code


/* Compile options needed: none


* This example program uses the C runtime library function qsort()

* to sort an array of structures.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

struct animal { int number;

char name[15];


struct animal array[10] = { { 1, "Anaconda" },

{ 5, "Elephant" },

{ 8, "Hummingbird" },

{ 4, "Dalmatian" },

{ 3, "Canary" },

{ 9, "Llama" },

{ 2, "Buffalo" },

{ 6, "Flatfish" },

{ 10, "Zebra" },

{ 7, "Giraffe" } };

void printarray(void);

int compare(struct animal *, struct animal *);

void main(void)


printf("List before sorting:\n");


qsort((void *) &array, // beginning address of array

10, // number of elements in array

sizeof(struct animal), // size of each element

compare ); // pointer to compare function

printf("\nList after sorting:\n");



int compare(struct animal *elem1, struct animal *elem2)


if ( elem1->number < elem2->number)

return -1;

else if (elem1->number > elem2->number)

return 1;


return 0;


void printarray(void)


int i;


printf("%d: Number %d is a %s\n",

i+1, array[i].number, array[i].name);


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