PRB: Problems with Altering Model Database to Move Syslogs

ID Number: Q67932

1.10 1.11 4.20




Alter the model database to move the syslogs to a separate device,

and create some tables within a model. Then bring the SQL Server

down. When an attempt is made to bring the server back up the next

morning, the server will not start, and the following error

messages are written to the error log:


Recovering database 'model'

clearing temp db

Error 806, Severity: 21, State: 1

Could not find virtual page for logical page 358

Error: 1619, Severity:21, State: 1

Could not open TEMPDB, unable to continue.


SQL Server looks for information within the model database when it

rebuilds tempdb. Problems occur when the syslogs of the two

databases are not the same size.


To avoid this situation, alter both the model and tempdb in the

following manner (make sure the master device is large enough):

alter database model on master=2


alter database tempdb on master=2


sp_logdevice model, master


sp_logdevice tempdb,master


Additional reference words: 1.10 1.1 1.11 4.20 4.2