INF: SQL Doc Error on When to Run "UPDATE STATISTICS"

ID Number: Q68096

1.10 1.11




The following documentation error occurs in the SQL Server manuals

listed below. The manuals state that you should run the

UPDATE STATISTICS command when an index is created on existing data

or when a lot of data in an indexed column has been added, changed,

or deleted.

This statement is partially incorrect. There is no need to run the

UPDATE STATISTICS command after creating an index on existing data,

since SQL Server updates the statistics automatically when an index

is created on existing data.

The error occurs in the following SQL Server 1.1 and 1.11 manuals:

1. Page 164 of the "Microsoft SQL Server System Administrator's


2. Page 221 of the "Microsoft SQL Server Language Reference"

3. Page 295 of "Microsoft SQL Server Learning TRANSACT-SQL"

These errors have been corrected in the SQL Server 4.2 documentation.

Additional reference words: documenation update statistics index