VB MDI Child Left/Top Property Wrong in Properties Bar

ID Number: Q80907





When you set the MDI Child control Left or Top property using the

VB.EXE Properties Bar at design time, the value (the coordinate

system) reported on the right side of the Properties Bar may

change from the value entered. This change is confusing and makes

it difficult to determine what the exact Left and Top coordinates for

the MDI child window actually are.

If you set the Left or Top property for the MDI child window, then

simply click on the form and back on the same MDI Child window, the

Top or Left value in the coordinate system being reported on the far

right of the Properties Bar will change. On the other hand, the Left

or Top property value in the Properties Bar remains what you entered

originally. Turning off the Align to Grid feature of the Visual Basic

environment has no affect.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem with the MDI Child custom

control supplied with Microsoft Professional Toolkit for Microsoft

Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for Windows. We are

researching this problem and will post new information here as it

becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Visual Basic 1.0 programming environment, choose Add File

from the File menu, and select the MDICHILD.VBX custom control.

2. Click on the MDI Child tool in the Toolbox to select it.

3. Click and drag on the form and place an MDI Child control.

4. Select the Left property from the Properties Bar.

5. In the Settings box, enter 500 (a valid number if the ScaleMode

property for the form is set to twips).

6. Verify that the coordinate system on the far right side of the

Properties Bar indicates 500 (it is the leftmost figure).

7. Click on the form.

8. Click on the MDI child window, making sure not to move it.

Note: The Left property on the Properties Bar still indicates 500,

whereas the coordinate system on the Properties Bar indicates that the

left property is 495. This problem occurs even if you change the

ScaleMode property for the form.

Additional reference words: 1.00