VB MDI Child Control: Large Height/Width Value Not Accepted

ID Number: Q80908




When you set either the Height or Width property of a MDI child window

to a very large number at design time, the first attempt does not take

the number entered, but reverts to the largest acceptable value (which

depends on the ScaleMode property and the size of the parent form).

The second attempt to enter the large value is accepted, although the

child window does not get any bigger. The largest value you can then

enter for either the Height or Width property of the MDI Child control

is then 10000000000 (1 followed by 10 zeros) before Visual Basic

generates an "Overflow" message. Visual Basic does not trap property

values that are too large upon the second attempt unless the value is

grossly out of range.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Microsoft Professional

Toolkit for Microsoft Visual Basic programming system version 1.0 for

Windows. We are researching this problem and will post new information

here as it becomes available.

More Information:

Steps to Reproduce Problem


1. In the Visual Basic 1.0 programming environment, choose Add File

from the File menu, and select the MDI.VBX custom control file.

2. Click on the MDI Child tool in the Toolbox to select the MDI Child


3. Click and drag on the form to place an MDI Child control.

4. Choose the Height property from the Properties list box.

5. Change the value of the Height property to any number greater than

1000000 (1 followed by six zeros). Note the value will then revert

to the largest acceptable height for the control. (By default, the

ScaleMode property of the form is set to twips. All ScaleMode

properties behave the same way.)

6. Repeat step 5 and note that this time the number will be accepted,

although the MDI child window will not be affected or change in any

way. The value will displayed in mantissa plus exponential form


This value is not a valid Height property value for the Height or

Width property of the MDI Child control, and Visual Basic will only

disallow the entry the first time.

The expected behavior of Visual Basic is to never allow an invalid

value for the Height or Width property.

Additional reference words: 1.00