INF: Finding Version Information for Multimedia Files

ID Number: Q77701




The VERINFO utility provides version information about many of the

drivers, dynamic-link libraries (DLLs), and executable files provided

with Microsoft Multimedia Windows. VERINFO in installed in the main

Multimedia Windows directory (by default, C:\MMWIN).

After VERINFO is running, double-click the name of a file to view the

file's version information. VERINFO then provides a drop-down list box

and prompts for specific information. By default, VERINFO gives the

version number.

For example, if the user requests information about the MMSYSTEM.DLL

file, VERINFO provides a series of bits in the Value edit control, as


0001 0000 0000 0096

This number represents version 1 of the software, build 96 (beta).

This information varies depending on the build of the software that is


This information can be useful to determine whether a particular

driver requires updating. It is also useful to verify that all

portions of the product are from the same release.

Additional reference words: 1.00